30 Free Games Challenge

The 30 day gaming challenge is something I spotted when I first started my blog. I love reading through other people’s responses being able to see their own experiences with video games is one of my favourite things. My  favourite I have seen recently being A Geeky Gal’s challenge.

However, I have never got round to doing it myself and am not sure exactly what I could add-on top of the amazing posts of other bloggers.

So instead I have come up with  my own challenge, the 30 Free Games Challenge! To explain the challenge and in case anyone else fancies a go here are The Rules:

  1. Choose 30 free games to play,
  2. Set your own time frame,(I’m aiming for 15 weeks!)
  3. Record your experiences for others to see!,

The Purpose of the challenge is to experience those games that are more overlooked, the indie titles and odd ball games not necessarily produced with the aim of making money. Free to play games often have a fairly bad reputation, gamers assume they are filled with popup ads, are half finished, glitchy or hide content behind paywalls so I want to explore these games and see what’s actually out there!

To source these games I’m going to scour the Free to Play section of the steam store and see what I can find. I’m also keen to explore some gaming genres I may not normally play.

30 Free Games, 15 weeks, that’s 2 games each week! The adventure will begin with the platformer 7!


18 thoughts

      1. I’ve been told there are quite a few good ones out there. Some manage to have mind-blowing plot twists, which is pretty impressive for an hour-long game.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Good question! At the start I’m gunna stick with steam games but that’s mostly down to the fact I don’t own another console (except for the switch!) but I’m definitely gunna give mobile games a look at too

      Liked by 1 person

  1. This is a really difficult challenge… Like darksouls difficult! 😀 But awesome! Really interested to see how is this going to develop…
    This is really a cool idea and probably I will also do the challenge sooner or later 😛
    Good luck~

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t play many either aside from the odd mobile game but I’d heard of some interesting indie titles etc. So thought it was worth a shot! So far I’m really enjoying it


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